
Ours is a world moving too easily away from God and His gift of everlasting life to one shallow and focused on self. The poems of Words were created to help those who read to remember, feel connected and focus on Christ Jesus and the marvels of the Father.

Join me in my quest to experience His world of creation and live in His light and love.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Walking with me (in sunshine)

Truth rolls through the valley
a life line held out to guide,
provide me with the path
even when I know, I know, I think,
just maybe this way.

The shadow follows me and I know
I must know Him.
His staff caring for my steps
even when I know, I know
He is there.


Monday, March 28, 2011

Martin's Calendar

This day can only end in that day
when critcs and skeptics will say:
"if only we knew what we knew
before that day became new,
and this day lay forgotten gone
and that day became life long".

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

We are the source

So many waiting, wanting. So little to give
Looking to the sky for gifts, from thin air,
and He extends his hand
receiving the small offering
returning it to the crowd until all are feed.

In the scraps the world is saved
every time we see the need and give to Christ
what little we have.


The First Two

In the beginning
these are the names
forever of importance
to the people, to the world,
to God,
these are the names
belonging to us when we seek the moments of us
stories of our people
origins of life,
in the beginning.


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Men of Israel

Are we tired of time
waiting for the moment,
we have waited for, forever
Do we know the time,
seeing the future, today,
are we choosing the murderer,
are we choosing the murdered?

Time is tiring, waiting
moments pass unseen, unfelt
missing the future written,
written before we knew,
we were waiting.


Friday, May 21, 2010

Cold Facts

Eat, drink, be merry for tomorrow we die
to air, to void, to ground, celebrate
comfort in nothing.
Stoically resisting, fasting to be better,
prepare for disposal, recycling to the Divine,
fact sadly waiting for something.
Face reality, uncomfortable,
life returns but must die,
perishable to imperishable
the grimness of facts replaced by beauty
immortal. -dean

In the garden

Stealing through the night,
to take the Light.
Torches and clubs to take
what they could not have,
did not know,
the shadow would hide
the truth, written waiting
for the Son to rise.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Betting on the Giant

Starting out as a messenger
bringing greetings to a king anointed
filled with spirit rushed upon him.
A great king losing his strength, shadowed by his son,
fearing the people as another is selected
a new heir, the eighth son filled with spirit
rushed upon him, waiting for his to rise,
singing for the old, bringing comfort,
until the messenger is standing in the shadow of a giant
calling out for an end to a stalemate, to take the land, invincible,
beyond the king, a king pleading, praying for a champion
until the boy, message delivered, filled with spirit rushing,
to history establishing the path to salvation. Glory glorified
in his small frame ready to spring upon another bear, another lion,
His army. Philistines hiding in the shadow of a giant,
knowing the light would shred the dark. With nothing more
than sticks and stones, the messenger stands, spirit rushing,
he drops the giant. Delivering another Giant to the earth,
another messenger will come. It is written


Saturday, February 20, 2010


Can almost taste it
just can't describe it
tingling on the edge.

When thirsty, there is water,
when hungry food,
but this desire,
is not named, there,
is God.


Thursday, December 24, 2009

New Eve

a penny whistle wakens spirits' rest,
while wind swings trees
on the morning he came and saw
the people gathered,
to remember His coming
this morning, new in the light of life.